Our 1-Click Reviews Plugin Just Got Better
We’ve incorporated the same social automation technology we utilize for all of your blog posts to our 1-Click Reviews Plugin.
Now, every time you approve a review from your website it will automatically post to all connected social media platforms letting all of your followers, likes and connections know that you have yet another happy customer. Along with posting a snippet of that review, we’ve also incorporated a custom graphic that will certainly draw attention and engagement from your audience with a quick link back to your website to showcase that and all other reviews.
These types of posts tend to garner more likes, engagement, etc. than any other type of post so we’re excited to introduce this functionality exclusively to all lenderd customers and if you’re not already one, make sure to checkout our loan officer websites or contact us about a custom build today!
Thanks again and stay tuned for some new additions to our mortgage calculators in the coming weeks.