Finally a Mortgage Application Plugin for Wordpress
You asked and we answered. Install the plugin, specify where applications are to be sent, place a shortcode on a page and you now have a questionnaire style application your users will love that works on every device.
Free Mortgage Application Plugin Features
Our free version of this plugin comes with the ability to personally brand this application very easily as well as having the exact same fields as our premium version with the ability to toggle fields on/off that you may not find relevant for your needs. It also provides the ability to specify what the email notifications say that are sent out to your customers, who they come from and who you’d like them to reply to.
On top of that you’re also provided with an easy csv export (individual or bulk) so you can easily export these applications and upload them into your desired 3rd party service.
We also NEVER require a user to register for an account in order to complete this application. Many customers want nothing less than having to sign up for yet another account. Your next question may be, well then how are they supposed to be able to finish the application in case they’re not able to?
Our answer to that is that we automatically capture the user’s information once they enter a valid email address in real-time and save it to the database. Not only do we save that info but we provide a 1-click reminder notice (that you’re also able to customize) so you can send users a quick reminder link that will bring them right back to where they left off which doesn’t suck.
Premium Mortgage Application Features
These features are pretty short and sweet but make this plugin extremely powerful and less expensive that anything else like it, by far.
FNM 3.2 Export
Every application will now also be available as a FNM 3.2 download so you never have to manually enter any information into your LOS when receiving applications through our system.
Automatically Post to Your CRM of Choice
We’ve built what are called “Webhooks” into our application which allows you to map all of our form fields into virtually any CRM (assuming they have an open API and if they don’t we highly recommend finding a CRM that does) so that as your users are completing applications they are being sent directly into your CRM for simple, centralized data management in real-time.
Our premium functionality is available for $197 per YEAR which breaks down to just over $16 per month with options available for multiple sites that are discounted even further and can be purchased here.
As with everything else we develop, all of this is backed up by our world class support team and will continually introduce additional features based on user feedback and make sure this technology stays up-to-date at all times.