Document Submission made Simple
We’re happy to announce the release of our document uploader which is now available on all of our mortgage websites, from quick-launch to enterprise. If you need a simple & secure way for your clients to submit documents, there’s nothing better than our Simple Doc Uploader.
For those of you who don’t currently utilize any of our website offerings, you can also access this tool via our mortgage application plugin as it’s part of our premium offering for any loan officer that has a website built on Wordpress.
Document Security
All uploaded documents are encrypted and will be automatically deleted from the server within 5 days or 3 downloads so you never store any client data online for more than 5 days. As an additional layer of security, we also require all mortgage websites to have a valid SSL in order to use this functionality.
No User Registration Required
This was highly requested as our clients just wanted to have a gateway to receive documents and not require their users to register for another portal or service they would have to manage so that’s exactly what we did.
If you would like to learn more about our doc uploader give us a call @ (323) 870-9996 or send us an email.