With AI being all the craze across mortgage and really every industry, many of our clients are asking the questions about what are we doing with AI as well as just general asking what’s out there.
Currently the answer to that question, as it pertains to the mortgage industry, is mainly just AI chatbots with a multitude of providers saying and doing different things but mostly all using the same AI technology with the only difference being training.
Do AI chatbots need training?
The answer is a big YES. You should look at AI, not in terms of who has the best technology, but who has the best data. The AI chatbot with the most training, aka data, will prove to be the best solution for you. That is why, while we do offer an AI chatbot, we do so in a mild manner with the caveat that whoever decides to deploy this technology better plan on investing time in training it.
Training your AI chatbot is done a couple different ways. The first way is to simply formulate questions and answers so that anytime your chatbot receives said question it will respond accordingly. In addition, you can actually have your chatbot crawl your website and formulate answers based on the information you provide. You can also directly chat with your bot and see how it would respond and then rate those answers or provide corrections/clarity around any of the answers provided.
Without getting too far down the rabbit hole, the conclusion here is that AI is here, it will only expand in functionality and offerings and you should get onboard to at least understand it’s current potential and where it’s likely to go next.
If you’d like to explore that on a quick call, don’t hesitate to reach out for a 30 minute demo of our AI chatbot by clicking here.